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Different Processes Used In Different Countries
Although, clean and disinfected water is the basic necessity of every nation, conventional water treatment systems often call for a significant capital investment and installation of complex water management infrastructure.
Clay pot and porous capsule irrigation in Brazil
Northeastern regions of Brazil experience climatic instability due to irregular rainfall.
Rainwater harvesting in Honduras
Rainwater harvesting, commonly known as RWH, is the process of gathering or accumulating and storing of rainwater for reuse, before it is transferred to the aquifer.
Fog harvesting in Chile
A safe, economical and low-tech solution for addressing freshwater shortages in various regions is through the implementation of the fog harvesting method.
Recycling of industrial effluent in Jamaica
An eco-friendly way of minimizing demands on freshwater resources by different industries is through recycling of industrial effluents.
Underground dams in Brazil
Northeastern regions of Brazil experience climatic instability due to irregular rainfall. Occasional rain in these areas coupled with shortage of a reliable water
Seawater/brackish water desalination by reverse osmosis in the British Virgin Islands
Reverse osmosis or RO is a filtration or separation method, wherein many types of large molecules and ions are separated..