Welcome to The Water Treatment Plants
With the ever increasing rate of industrial development, gallons and gallons of water are used and contaminated everyday. Most of these industries discharge these wastewater into water bodies without adequate treatment. This has become a major problem in contemporaty times having adverse effects both on the environment and human health as well.
Ecological Sanitation
Ecological sanitation is a sanitation process that lends a new dimension to the conventional concept of dealing with waste and wastewater. Commonly known as ecosan or eco-san, the method underlines.
Agricultural Wastewater
Agriculture has played a key role in the development of human civilization. Even in the first world countries, agriculture is considered a highly intensified industry. Being such a big industry it is responsible for producing a large amount of wastewater every year.
Different Processes Used In Different Countries
Although, clean and disinfected water is the basic necessity of every nation, conventional water treatment systems often call for a significant capital investment and installation of complex water management infrastructure.
Commercially Available Equipment and Accessories |
Apart from the different processes, technologies and machinery used there are some simple accessories that come in handy during processing water, both domestically or in treatment plants.
- Top Mount
- Filter
- Side mount Filter
- Ring lock side mount filter
Water Treatment in Underdeveloped Regions |
Water treatment is a pressing affair in decentralized, poor, and underdeveloped regions. Conventional water treatment systems, whether coagulation, flocculation, or filtration, often call for a significant capital investment and installation of complex water management infrastructure.